Three days after Easter I see my first red-winged blackbird by the river.
I was sitting on the porch after supper. It was my son who spotted them first, and told me, face flushed with excitement. Then I realized I had been hearing them for the last ten minutes, but my eyes had been focused elsewhere. I hadn’t recognized them.
As soon as I begin to scan the bushes, I see him. He perches in the young sugar maple, calls loudly, and ruffles his bright patched wing as if to say, “Look! It is me. I am here!”
Birdsong of all kinds sounds through the mist of the chilly evening, giving the valley a hidden, intimate feel. An eagle appears from the blurred edges, noiseless, a shadow that merges into other shadows of spruce upstream. But I am fixed on the flash and fortissimo of red by the river.
Why do birds sing in the evening? A dozen reasons there may be, shrouded in mystery, to my understanding at least. But I know one of them.
The red-winged blackbird sings after supper to remind me that spring comes to every valley, and my own shall be exalted.
Lindsey Gallant
Oh Lindsey, you could have typed out the alphabet here and I would be rejoicing! “PRAISE God from whom all blessings flow!”
Linda, you are such a joy to my heart! Thank YOU for all your encouragement! I wouldn’t be here without the prayers of many faithful sisters.
This such a beautiful reminder, Lindsey! LOVE this hopeful post … it sings to my heart
Heidi, thank you, and I’m so glad you enjoyed this.
“…spring comes to every valley, and mine shall be exalted.”
Amen to that Lindsey!
Thanks Aunt Karen!