Hello friends! I haven’t been around much online, as you may have noticed. I have been working hard on my post-concussion recovery. The good news is I am starting to see some major improvements, which means that many days I am feeling almost-normal – hooray! And with that comes the urge and energy to pick up my pen, or hop on the computer and connect.
It’s been just over nine months since the ditch-diving accident that set my brain shaking, and since then my head hasn’t quite been screwed on straight. (Those of you who know me well may be asking, what’s new about that??) But I am getting straighter and stronger. My vision is healing. My hope is growing. And now, November is almost upon us!
As October draws to a close, I’ve been walking our country roads, noticing the shift in seasons. Most of my favourite wildflowers have gone to seed, and the ditches are filled with the fuzzy brown remnants of summer foliage. We had a few days of strong wind this past week, and now even the stunning fall colours have mostly descended to the forest floor. I do breathe a little sigh of sadness. It’s hard to lay aside the glories of a season in bloom.
I have been guilty of wishing we could skip November altogether, with its bare, brown trees and darkening days, and fast forward to the jollier month of December. November is just so ordinary.
The stores have a solution for me. Head straight to the holidays! There is always this odd mashup of discounted ghouls and sparkling Santas right about now. In the retail world, November begins the mad rush to Christmas. Believe me, I am a Christmas lover. (And an Advent lover! Especially Advent.) And some early preparation can be a very good thing, practically speaking. But I am not ready to make the mental shift. I can’t sustain two whole months of festivities!
So I wonder, does plain, old November have something for me after all? This morning, I walked the fading hills and wondered, what if I settled into its brown, and slowed my footsteps to match its pace? What if I could appreciate this season for what it is, and not what it will yet be? What if I stopped to notice November’s own gifts and secrets?
The pale, rustling grass seemed to nod in answer. The chickadee’s chirp sounded almost like a dare. And a whisper on the wind echoed, There is much to see here.
Would you like to see with me? Would you like to notice November where you are? I thought it might be fun to do this together!
As I think about what November may have to offer, I come back to three areas:
~ Slowing down and settling in to the shift in season.
~ Noticing the beauty of what is, right now, and giving thanks for it.
~ And maybe even being ok with letting go of a few things.
I’ve never done this before, but I’m going to try a private Facebook Group for anyone who is interested in noticing November along with me. We can post our observations, our gratitude, and what helps us slow down and appreciate our ordinary lives. We can encourage each other to look with fresh eyes. I’d love it if you could join me!
~ Lindsey
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