I wasn’t sure I’d have the time or the heart for Noticing November this year. Here on the island, it’s felt like November ever since the big storm Fiona blasted through at the end of September and blew most of the leaves off the trees. I’ve been mourning our colourless October!
But I was inspired by a friend who dug back to a post I wrote last year and created her own poem about noticing November. And I thought, maybe this is just what I need after all. When things are busy and brown, maybe I need to pay attention even more. Maybe attention is the antidote for feeling overwhelmed?
Let’s find out! Join for me Noticing November 2022.
It’s very simple. The goal is to slow down and pay attention to the beautiful things in the November world around us. This time of year can often feel drab and dull. But I’ve discovered so many moments of joy and wonder and connection when I stop to notice what’s right in front of me.
This habit of attention slows me down. It grounds me. It helps reorient my vision. And it pulls me out of myself and into something bigger and more beautiful.
You can join me in the Facebook Group Noticing November, or on Instagram @sacramentofsmall. Post your own pictures or reflections on what you are noticing using the hashtag #noticingnovember, and tag me so I’ll be sure to see it!
Each week I will post a new challenge of what to be on the lookout for. This first week is all about light. What is the light doing? Where do you see it playing? How does it interact with the world?
I hope you’ll join me!
~ Lindsey