afternoon prayer :: abiding joy
There’s an intrinsic connection between abiding in the true Vine and true Joy (John 15). If I’m feeling my joy waning as the day wears on, it’s a sign I need to...
There’s an intrinsic connection between abiding in the true Vine and true Joy (John 15). If I’m feeling my joy waning as the day wears on, it’s a sign I need to...
Little one, You are growing, pushing, expanding my borders of love. I feel it already, your feet stomping out new territory, a land about to be lived in. Alread...
Little boy blue, come play your pipe –Enchanting with every stepand sound from your lips.You pull me out of bed by your tousled head,catch my eye wi...
I lift my eyes to the Ebenezer hills, thankful for small mercies after a sleepless night. The sun is here to warm and cheer, and I give my tired praise, even as...
There are so many ways to approach a new year. Mine has already begun with hunger. I’m no stranger to cravings these days. (Another life growing inside ha...