Intercessions: God of tears and dust
O God, most gracious and compassionate, you hold our frailty in your hands. Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief, you know our weaknesses. You gather us in you...
O God, most gracious and compassionate, you hold our frailty in your hands. Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief, you know our weaknesses. You gather us in you...
From the Book of Common Prayer, “Evening Prayer To Be Used in Families” For Freedom From Worry. O LORD, who hast pity for all our weakness: Put away...
God of warming spring, turn your face toward our open windows. We welcome your light and the brisk air of season’s turning. Melt the chill of winter’s drifts an...
I’m trying to get into a groove here, with a rhythm, a pattern, a way to move through the day with prayer. {I am not a monk with hours of quiet cont...
As I work out what it means to become this person of prayer, I am drawn to holy people through the ages who marked their days and nights with regular “hours” of...