Editing & Proofreading Services

Let me help you elevate your writing so it is correct, consistent, and clear!

Too often a great message is clouded by unintended errors or confusing language. You have something important to say and share with the world. I can help make your writing shine.

My proofreading and copy editing services provide:

  • Correction of mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Consistency in language usage
  • Clarity of ideas and overall message

What can I help you with?

  • Your blog post, website, or social media content
  • Your article, essay, or short story
  • Your business marketing material
  • Your bigger project

What’s included?

  • Copy editing and/or proofreading for correctness, consistency, and clarity
  • Comments on the changes suggested or made
  • A clean copy of your text (if requested)

(Not included: Developmental or structural editing, fact checking, or design.)

Why work with me?

I love language! (I’ve always been a grammar nerd.) I love it when ideas and stories are presented clearly. And I love helping others polish and perfect their message, enhancing its impact.

I offer a customized approach that focuses on your needs and goals. Let’s talk about your project!

My experience includes:

  • Editor of two memoir anthologies for author Leslie Leyland Fields’ Memoir Masterclass
  • Copy editing business material
  • Academic writing and assisting undergraduate students with essays
  • Published writer with articles in print magazines and online
  • A lifelong love of the English language

For more information or to request a quote, please email editing@lindseygallant.com

Ask me about special pricing for recurring or ongoing projects.