Oh Holy One, how can I best gather up your praise? How can I tell the wonders of your beauty, the myriad of ways you show a glimpse of your face? In the smooth, wooden blocks my daughter stacks so carefully, in the play of shadow and light on the living room floor, in the rustle of summer foliage outside the window, in the soft, spicy sweetness of a cookie baked with kindness. This very room is bursting with goodness. You are worthy of praise in all these things, for You are the Giver of all good things.
In the great and in the small, You are found by the seeking heart, the sensitive eye. You have filed up the earth, yet we walk around empty handed because our capacity is so limited. Give us larger vessels! Give us wider eyes! Give us open hands!
Your kindness is everywhere – let it soften us into repentance, repentance for all the ways we ignore and limit You, the ways we adore and imitate other gods instead of the only Good there is.
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise! Oh, for a thousand ears to hear the mighty chorus sung by all the living!
Oh, for one, undivided heart to seek and find and worship You!
Thanks for the reminder to re-focus and see Him in all the good things that surround me. Thanks for being content with being a mom and worshiping Him through your daily life. I was encouraged by that today. Big hugs to you, Lindsey.
-Rachel Hendrikson