Journey to the Heart of Christmas with Abraham’s Advent

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It’s only the middle of November, but the journey to Christmas is already well underway. Is it just me, or have things gotten a little louder, a little faster, and a little crazier?

Are you feeling the pressure to create the “perfect Christmas?” Wondering how you ended up with a to-do list longer than Santa’s? Hoping to make everyone’s Christmas morning dreams come true?

And what about your own hopes? When you step back from the frenzy of parties and preparation, do you dare acknowledge the longings that lay just below the glittery surface of things?

It’s easy to get caught up in the trimmings. But what about the heart of Christmas? What about your heart?

There is a way to step back from the crazy. To refocus on what’s really important. To get to the heart of things.

It’s called Advent. 

Advent is the four week season leading up to Christmas. It’s a time of both reflection and anticipation. It looks ahead to Christmas Day, following the story of those who waited and hoped for the coming of the Saviour. Yet it looks even farther, to hopes still awaiting fulfillment at Christ’s second coming.

Advent invites us to pause, to reflect, and to prepare spiritually for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Advent invites us to remember the secret longings of our souls.

Advent invites us to open our hearts wide to hope. To open our hearts wide to God.

This Advent, I’d like to invite you on a journey – a journey back in time. Come and meet a man whose life was changed by a promise from God. It didn’t always work out the way he thought it would. He had his share of disappointments and broken dreams. He lost his way, more than once. Perfection was far from his grasp.

And yet, he never lost hope. And because of that, God gave him something far better than anything he could have dreamed up on his own.

Abraham’s Advent: A Stranger’s Journey to Bethlehem and Beyond is a four week Advent devotional that will take you straight to the heart of Christmas.

Abraham's Advent Cover

Through narrative readings and daily Scriptural reflections, you can immerse yourself in a story that’s bigger than us all. You can pause the crazy. You can remember what’s real. You can get to the heart of things.

This season, journey to the heart of Christmas with Abraham’s Advent

Abraham’s Advent is now available as an Ebook in the Red Letters Shop. Advent begins this year on November 27th! Get your copy today and get ready for the journey.

Lindsey Gallant
A northern girl living the island life. Learning "glad and natural living in the recognized presence of God." Writer, book nerd, nature lover. Homeschool mom and Charlotte Mason enthusiast. Prefers pen and paper.

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