Three Ways to Join the Abraham’s Advent Journey


Are you ready to join the Abraham’s Advent journey? Advent begins this Sunday! All you need is your own copy of Abraham’s Advent, available in the Shop now.

If you’d like to see just what you’re getting into, there’s a sneak peek right here.

Did you know that the devotional is printable?

Yes, it’s a PDF file, which means you can read it on your electronic device OR print it off to use as a hard copy! I’m a pen and paper girl, and if you’re anything like me, you might want to have a “real” copy handy.

Besides the narrative for each of the Sundays of Advent, each weekday has Scriptures to read, a question to think about, along with a nice big section to journal your thoughts and reflections.

There are a few different ways you can use Abraham’s Advent.

Go It Alone or Get In a Group

1. Use for your own personal devotions this Advent. Read on your electronic device, or print your own copy. Abraham’s story is rich and deep. Take some quiet time to read, reflect, and pray each day. If you’re into Bible journaling, this is the perfect opportunity to get creative with the Scriptures.

2. Use with your spouse or family. This is a great way to focus together on the truth of the season. Start your day off with Scripture, or read together in these cozy winter evenings. Family life can be hectic this time of year. So take a few minutes to gather around a Bethlehem fire with those you love.

3. Join an online community! This year, my friend and fellow blogger Ana Willis will be joining the journey with her Bible Journaling Club on Facebook. I’ll also be posting the reflections for each day on The Red Letters Blog Facebook page. (“Like” to stay up to date with all new posts.) If you’d like to reach out and share your journey with others, consider joining us there!


I am humbled by each of you who are joining in one way or another this Advent. This is not about me, but it’s a story that has shaped my life. Every time I go back to Abraham’s story, I’m captivated. I’m challenged. I’m caught up something real. I feel this call to deeper hope and wilder faith. It’s an amazing story, and we’re invited in. The best part is, we get to meet The Author.

I hope you will join the journey! Come sit awhile by a Bethlehem fire. . .




Lindsey Gallant
A northern girl living the island life. Learning "glad and natural living in the recognized presence of God." Writer, book nerd, nature lover. Homeschool mom and Charlotte Mason enthusiast. Prefers pen and paper.


  1. I wish I could’ve joined this last year I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed it. I am learning a lot about advent this year and I am flag to have come across your blog where you have lots of posts about it. Thank you for sharing!

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