Whisper :: A poem for the Second Sunday of Advent

When I began to think about a small expression of peace for this Second Sunday of Advent, it was a whisper that took form in my mind. To receive a whisper requires both our silence and our stillness. The command is also an invitation: “Peace, be still.” Can we shape ourselves this Advent to be “all ears?”


     to the worried restlessness of not-enough
     to the hurried rushing of not-yet
     to the wound-tight storm and its unalterable course of collision.

Oh listen, soft and low it comes
     — a whisper — 

     It is the lung-warmed vibration 
     of presence near and intimate,
     the sweet everything in the ear.

And when I am sounded in the timeless space between these lips
     I become still, 
                    at peace.


Lindsey Gallant
From Small: An Advent Poetry Sequence
Composed for the caregivers of The Good Samaritan Society (www.gss.org)
Illustration by Elizabeth Evans

Lindsey Gallant
A northern girl living the island life. Learning "glad and natural living in the recognized presence of God." Writer, book nerd, nature lover. Homeschool mom and Charlotte Mason enthusiast. Prefers pen and paper.

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