A story in the making
Hello, readers. It’s been far too long since I’ve posted. I haven’t completely disappeared. But there’s a bigger story at work behind th...
Hello, readers. It’s been far too long since I’ve posted. I haven’t completely disappeared. But there’s a bigger story at work behind th...
It’s the last day of November, and I am scrambling around trying to get the house ready for the decorations I promised the kids I would bring out tomorrow...
Are you ready to join the Abraham’s Advent journey? Advent begins this Sunday! All you need is your own copy of Abraham’s Advent, available i...
It’s only the middle of November, but the journey to Christmas is already well underway. Is it just me, or have things gotten a little louder, a little f...
Just for you . . . a sneak peek of Abraham’s Advent! Advent begins this Sunday! ~~~ To continue the journey with Abraham, purchase the full ebook here fo...